CodeLance Logoacticom attended on the EU funded research project CODELANCE that provides advanced and applied network coding and security algorithms targeting video surveillance applications. acticom as one of the commercial partners played a crucial role by bringing industrial and development experience into the consortium. The strong cooperation between commercial and academic partners ensured that the CodeLance video surveillance product parameters and requirements were considered from the initial design phase of the mechanisms, and that promising techniques and results were validated and considered for efficient integration into the final product.


CodeLance advanced previous network coding based ad hoc multicast protocols for multimedia applications by proposing an adaptive source rate mechanism to adjust the source rate and resolution of disseminated data according to the network conditions, incorporating a congestion control mechanism to avoid congestion collapse, and examining systematic network coding instead of random network coding.

With regards to Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC), CodeLance seeked to minimize the computational overhead but also the latency for real-time video by exploring appropriate generation sizes for RLNC in order to meet the latency requirements without deteriorating the performance of coding, and investigating efficient sizes for Galois field in order to allow both arbitrary multi-hop networks and low computational overhead and energy.


acticom contributed to the research, and acticom implemented the most promising techniques and results in the final CodeLance application and protocol stack on top of the acticom testbed devices and environment; the software serves as a first start to be used as a video surveillance application that makes use of small wireless cameras and network coding for the video / data transmission.