Improving the reliability and efficiency of wireless communication networks by application of Robust Header Compression to wireless MANET technology.
“The integration of the acticom RoHC protocol stack to MANET systems serves for improving the quality of service within wireless ad-hoc networks. While traditional use cases for RoHC are mainly related to IP based telecommunication networks with dedicated infrastructural and mobile devices, the use of RoHC for MANETs is a new field and market for acticom RoHC. Of course licensing software is our daily business, but delivering the acticom RoHC software to suppliers of the US Department of Defense is some kind of special success. Pairing the deep knowledge of our engineers about RoHC, the broad experience of Dr. Frank Fitzek within the fields of mobile ad-hoc networking, end even my personal know-how about routing and path-finding within such MANETS offers the best support and collaboration basis for these special customers.” says Gerrit Schulte, CTO and Managing Director at acticom.
“So far our business has focused on 3G, WiMAX, LTE, or satellite network devices, but we see huge opportunities for our RoHC solution for today’s and future MANET applications, such as car-2-car communication, peer-2-peer communication of mobile devices, or even proprietary ad-hoc networks.” says Dr. Frank Fitzek, acticom co-founder and responsible for research & innovation at acticom.