RoHC InterOp event 2008

  • 30
  • October 10, 2007

acticom invites everybody interested in RoHC, testing with RoHC enabled devices and systems, or using RoHC in a heterogeneous, RoHC aware environment to participate in the 2008 RoHC event in Berlin!

The meeting will be held in the acticom office building in Berlin, Germany. The current proposed schedule is March 10th – March 14th 2008.

The invitation has been posted to the RoHC mailing list and the Berlin RoHCs! page is the first invitation to the event.

acticom is pleased to invite everybody with a RoHC implementation, RoHC capable device, or RoHC test- and measurement system to come to the event. acticom will open the registration process as soon as feedback from interested participants leads to fixed schedule and topics.
